As a pro painter for over 20 years, and having helped hundreds of customers beautify their homes, I have always recommended whenever a customer is having trouble picking colors to consult an interior color designer. Remember that your painter is not a designer, and what one person thinks looks great, may not be what you will fall in love with!
If you just can’t decide on a color scheme it is best not to rush, but that day will come when you will have to pull the trigger. It is hard to visualize paint colors from swatches, lighting plays such a huge role in how the color will look from room to room.
Sherwin Williams and other companies offer color simulators, which you can download a picture of the areas of your home to be painted, and then attempts to simulate what those colors will look like in your home, this should give you a sense of what your interior or exterior paint colors may look like, but, then again so much depends upon the surface it is being applied on, and the lighting in the room from wall to wall.
Rarely, have I ever had to redo a color choice, but every once in a while, it does happen. It’s not the end of the world, yet no one wants to pay twice for a job if you are hiring a contractor and not doing the painting yourself.
Most companies will offer small interior and exterior paint samples for you to take home and try out on your walls, and generally this can often lead to more confusion than it does the wow moment of, yes that’s it! Interior painting and decorating can be as exciting as it is frustrating sometimes, but no need to worry, that is what the pro interior designers are for.
Do not pick your colors from a computer or phone screen… this is a bad idea that will only lead to you having problems once the paint is put on your walls… computer screens vary greatly on how they re-produce colors…. One computer will show a yellow as bright and another as pale, neither one is correct to the actual color you will receive. I always recommend going directly to the paint store and getting as many color swatches as you want and take them home, then look at them under the lighting where the paint will be applied. this approach is going to give you the most accurate result for painting your home.
In summary, I always recommend asking as many questions as possible before starting your project, because they are after all pros, and will help give you professional painting results!
It is well worth the cost (usually about $75 to $150) for a color consultation with a professional. they are used to dealing with clients that know what they are trying to achieve with their painting project, yet you are not quite sure on how to get there… Certain colors will bring other colors to life and that is what they are best at… Color consultants can make colors do the tango or a slow dance, it is not a science but an art-form.
As a painting contractor I have been asked numerous times throughout the years what I thought of different color combinations by home-owners. In my early years I made the mistake of picking the colors for an exterior project.
After the house was fully painted and was ready to say job well done, the home-owner stood outside with a disappointed look on her face and said I just don’t like this at all! Well, I felt responsible because I had participated in choosing the colors for her. It was quite a predicament I put myself in and learned never to do that again….
Don’t ask the painter what he thinks! I always let customers know that I don’t have to live with the colors, you do, so it is best that you choose the colors that work best for you… Humans always like a little confirmation on their choices in life, but this is one I just don’t do anymore. I wish you the best of luck in your painting and home improvement projects, it is amazing how much color can bring joy into our lives! “Joy through Color” Make it a great day!
visit us @ desirablepainting.com for any questions